Friday 26 February 2021

To prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Mahama Camp, Child Friendly Spaces (CFS) and Youth Friendly Spaces have been closed as of March 2020.

Within this context, Save the Children launched an initiative to introduce home based recreational activities to help children be creative, learn new skills and stay safe during the pandemic.

Denise, 13, was in primary six when COVID-19 interrupted the school year. Save the Children responded by making sure that children, like Denise, had the basic necessities to protect them from harm while staying at home. Save the Children also supported boys and girls, with and without disabilities, to explore and nurture their interests at home.

Denise, who wants to be a teacher in the future, was inspired by Save the Children during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Denis’s story in her own words

There was a Save the Children volunteer who used to teach us how to crochet when the CFS was still open, but I did not give it much attention back then. When COVID-19 struck, I began crocheting because it is a wonderful thing to do during free time. It was not easy when I started crocheting. It took me two weeks just to finish one handbag. Whenever I see that handbag, I laugh at how it looks,” remarked Denise. Fortunately, the volunteer who used to teach us before, came here with yarn and hooks. She took time and retaught me the basics of crocheting again. As you can see now, I can easily crochet,” she added.  

When asked about school in times of COVID-19 pandemic Denise had this to say “Things have changed at our school. You cannot approach your classmate while sitting in the classroom, you have to keep one meter of distance apart. I have also seen that some of my peers did not come back to school. The newest thing that I first noticed is the washing facility, where we wash our hands before entering the school,” she shared.

“I love mathematics so much. When I grow up, I think I want to be a teacher so that I can teach children the way my teachers teach me,” revealed Denise.

Additional interviews:

“When I heard that schools closed, I was worried because I know when children are not in school, they can do bad things. It was not good news for every responsible parent here in Mahama Camp, especially those of us who have young adolescent girls. If they do not find things to keep them busy at home, they can be tricked by boys. I was personally happy when I found that Save the Children is giving my daughter a chance to sit at home and crochet, and I liked the way they even followed up on them to make sure they are really crocheting,” admitted Mathias, 66, Denise’s father.

Background / Project information

Save the Children’s home based recreational activities initiative has reached 435 children, including 265 girls and 170 boys, to date.