
Thursday 5 March 2020

Excluding children with disabilities is discrimination – all children have rights!

With our implementing partner UWEZO Youth Empowerment we work closely with the youth and children with disability (Y/CWD) to promote the implementation of the State obligations and commitments to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Children (UNCRC) and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability (UNCRPD).

Tuesday 28 May 2019

Rwanda reduced under-5 mortality by 79 percent over 20 years ago.

Rwanda ranked the biggest mover of change for improving children’s lives in the region and the second-biggest in the world.

Twenty-five years after the Genocide against the Tutsi, Rwanda has made a great improvement in children lives. Rwanda’s score rose 241 points, from 503 to 744 since 2000 in Save the Children’s “End of Childhood” index which ranks countries according to how well they create a protective environment for children. 
