
application/pdfParenting Education Literacy Position PaperKinyarwanda version of Parenting Education Literacy Position Paper.22/04/2015537KB
application/pdfPre-Primary Position PaperPosition Paper highlighting Emergent Literacy is one of the most important foundational abilities children must develop before beginning primary school. Also forwards suggestions as to what the Pre-Primary curriculum should be predominantly composed of. 22/04/20151MB
application/pdfPrimary Position PaperA Policy Advocacy Position Paper making a case for the incorporation into the Kinyarwanda Primary curriculum of enhanced teaching methods to encourage reading.22/04/20154MB
application/pdfTeacher Development Position PaperAdvocacy paper highlighting the need for a permanent system of continuing professional development (CPD) for teachers, in order to achieve improvements in areas such as literacy instruction.22/04/2015621KB
application/pdfRCBI Book CatalogueDetailed information on availability of well written and illustrated Kinyarwanda children's books, pricing and publisher(s). 27/04/20151MB
application/pdfUPR Case StudyA case study that provides an overview of the a CSOs report on children's rights to education, health and protection. 29/04/2015413KB
application/pdfELMI Midline evaluation reportThe report on the ELMI midline evaluation produced in December 201421/05/20151MB
application/pdfCommunity practices and perceptions_baseline The report on the Community practices and perceptions baseline study conducted in 201421/05/20154MB
application/pdfRCBI Endline Report Endline report measuring progress registered towards the stated outcomes of the Rwandan’s Children Book Initiative (RCBI), a project aimed at supporting publishers to produce high quality, age appropriate, Kinyarwanda children’s books and to distribute these books to schools. 26/05/20152MB
application/pdfNutrition Programme BriefDetailed breakdown of Save the Children's Nutrition Programme, which is implemented in concert with USAID, Global Communities Rwanda and Feed the Future, a US government Global Hunger and Food Security Initiative. 25/06/2015663KB
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