Type | Name | Description | Modified | Size |
| RCBI - Baseline | Rwanda Children's Book Initiative Baseline. | 29/09/2014 | 3MB |
| Executive Summary for KAP Dissemination | Executive Summary of findings from a baseline survey conducted by Save the Children in Rwanda. The purpose of the survey was to establish the level of awareness in the public about emergent and early literacy. | 21/09/2015 | 3MB |
| Exec. Summary of Public Awareness of Early Literacy Baseline | | 29/10/2015 | 3MB |
| Literacy Boost in Rwanda: Endline Report Summary | This summary document reports the results of a mixed-methods study evaluating the impact of assignment either to Teacher Training or to Literacy Boost as compared with assignment to a Control group on children’s learning outcomes. The report uses advanced statistical methods to isolate the effect of TT and LB on learning outcomes and qualitative methods to explore the impact in greater depth. The report concludes with a general discussion of findings and recommendation for action and future research. | 16/09/2016 | 3MB |
| RCBI Final Evaluation Report | | 29/10/2015 | 3MB |
| Enjoying Books Together Kinyarwanda version | Kinyarwanda version of the Enjoying Books Together at Home pamphlet, which includes fun ways parents and care-givers can help instill a reading culture in children. | 22/04/2015 | 4MB |
| Enjoying Books Together | Enjoying Books Together is published by the Rwandan Children’s Book Initiative, a project of Save the Children. The aim of the guide is to introduce Rwandan teachers to the importance of written material and books, and to share ideas about how they can be used in the classroom to improve students’ learning. | 21/04/2015 | 4MB |
| Enjoying Books Together At Home: Ideas for parents and carer | "Enjoying Books Together at Home" is a short guide for parents to use when introducing their children to the importance of reading outside of school. It includes suggestions for parents and caregivers of activities they can use to encourage reading at home. | 16/11/2020 | 4MB |
| Community practices and perceptions_baseline | The report on the Community practices and perceptions baseline study conducted in 2014 | 21/05/2015 | 4MB |
| Primary Position Paper | The ability to read is a prerequisite to the overall performance of children in all subjects, hence the need to give optimum focus on reading in the curriculum | 29/10/2015 | 4MB |