
application/pdfTeacher Development Position PaperEducation is just a beginning of the learning process needed to develop effective teachers23/10/2015621KB
application/pdfSupplementary Materials Approval CommitteeRwandan Primary and lower primary pupils to learn to read and develop a reading culture, they need access to a variety of age-appropriate book. text books alone are not enough23/10/20152MB
application/pdfSupplementary Materials Approval CommitteeEstablishing a Supplementary Materials Approval Committee 29/10/20152MB
application/pdfStop the War on Children_Report100 years ago, Save the Children's founder, Eglantyne Jebb challenged the world to stop "wars on children." However, today we see growing numbers of children living in conflict – with 1 in 5 children living in areas affected by conflict. Their basic rights are under threat. Save the Children published the report – Stop the War on Children- which is both a call to action and a guide to how world leaders and governments can protect children in Conflict.24/04/20192MB
application/pdfSTOP THE WAR ON CHILDREN: GENDER MATTERS REPORTWars and conflicts are intensifying and becoming increasingly dangerous for children. Whilst fewer children are living in conflict-affected areas, those who do face the greatest risk of falling victim to serious violence since systematic records began. This report, focuses on how conflict affects girls and boys differently, sets out the basis for an international plan of action to protect children in conflict, and the ways humanitarian actors can improve their responses to be more sensitive to both age and gender.13/02/20208MB
application/pdfSignature Programme - Rwanda Literacy Week CelebrationArticle about Rwanda Literacy Week Celebration, 18 September 2014.13/10/2014578KB
application/pdfShiriki Newsletter Highlight from ESARO- Rwanda This issue of Shiriki News looks into Save the Children’s work in Rwanda, our programme approach and the COVID-19 response highlights. Enjoy the read! !13/04/20213MB
application/pdfSCI Awareness Campaign Strategy Assessment Report The awareness-raising messages include information from Save the Children’s (SC) Child Protection, Education, and Child Rights & Governance interventions as well as information from the Government of Rwanda’s guidelines to fight against COVID-19. They also include information from Soma Rwanda members who are implementing literacy, children’s rights, and protection activities in communities. The messages provide practical tips for parents to read with and for children at home and to ensure the safety and security of their children while offering them ample opportunities to sharpen their knowledge through reading, playing, storytelling, writing, and other activities. The messages also offer information about the availability of e-learning materials and remote learning schedules as published by Rwanda Education Board (REB)16/07/2020512KB
application/pdfSchool for Change Endline evaluation This report presents the findings and recommendations of the School for Change project endline evaluation.20/06/20229MB
application/pdfSaving Brains: First Steps 0-3 Program in Rwanda Endline RepFirst Steps towards quality Early Childhood Care and Development through Holistic Parenting Education: A Randomized Control Trial in Ngororero District, Rwanda26/08/2017970KB
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