
application/pdfNext Generations Kids and Integrations ProjectsSustainable success in protecting refugee Children lies in integrating their matters into existing national child protection and welfare systems. 20/06/20224MB
application/pdfMale Engagement in ECD Save the Children Rwanda Report In recognition of the potential for fathers and other male caregivers to positively contribute, Save the Children Rwanda, in collaboration with the National Early Childhood Development Programme (NECDP),1 has commissioned this Rwanda-specific assessment to document factors, attitudes and behaviours inhibiting male engagement in early childhood development (ECD). The assessment aims to study both rural and urban settings to formulate recommendations for future integrated ECD programming, helping the Government of Rwanda, Save the Children and other ECD actors to develop programmes that better address certain potentially harmful social norms related to male involvement. The research sets out to produce tangible findings to inform actionable recommendations to promote male engagement in ECD – both through community-based services as well as within the household.15/04/20212MB
application/pdfLiteracy Boost in Rwanda: Endline Report SummaryThis summary document reports the results of a mixed-methods study evaluating the impact of assignment either to Teacher Training or to Literacy Boost as compared with assignment to a Control group on children’s learning outcomes. The report uses advanced statistical methods to isolate the effect of TT and LB on learning outcomes and qualitative methods to explore the impact in greater depth. The report concludes with a general discussion of findings and recommendation for action and future research.16/09/20163MB
application/pdfLiteracy Boost in Rwanda: Endline Report Annex ToolkitToolkit for the Endline Report for Literacy Boost in Rwanda18/08/20164MB
application/pdfLiteracy Boost in Rwanda: Endline ReportThis document reports the results of a mixed-methods study evaluating the impact of assignment either to Teacher Training or to Literacy Boost as compared with assignment to a Control group on children’s learning outcomes. The report uses advanced statistical methods to isolate the effect of TT and LB on learning outcomes and qualitative methods to explore the impact in greater depth. The report concludes with a general discussion of findings and recommendation for action and future research.13/09/20166MB
application/pdfLiteracy Boost - Teacher Practices BaselineLiteracy Boost - Teacher Practices Baseline.29/09/20142MB
application/pdfLiteracy Boost - Reading Assessment BaselineLiteracy Boost - Reading Assessment Baseline.29/09/20141MB
application/pdfLiteracy Boost - LB in the Community: Case StudyLiteracy Boost in the Community: Case Study.30/09/2014297KB
application/pdfLiteracy Boost - Home Literacy Environment Survey BaselineLiteracy Boost - Home Literacy Environment Survey Baseline.29/09/2014581KB
application/pdfLiteracy Boost - Ethnography BaselineLiteracy Boost - Ethnography Baseline.29/09/20142MB
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