
application/pdfELMI - BaselineEarly Literacy and Maths Initiative Baseline.29/09/2014730KB
application/pdfEarly Grade Reading Position PaperPromoting Early Reading in the Revised Primary Kinyarwanda Curriculum 29/10/2015740KB
application/pdfBrief on the awareness campaign strategy Report The awareness-raising messages include information from Save the Children’s (SC) Child Protection, Education, and Child Rights & Governance interventions as well as information from the Government of Rwanda’s guidelines to fight against COVID-19. They also include information from Soma Rwanda members who are implementing literacy, children’s rights, and protection activities in communities. 16/07/2020753KB
application/pdfParenting Education Literacy Position PaperPosition Paper indicating that parents need guidance on how to support children’s physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development, and also touches on the significance of cognitive development and emergent literacy as among the most important foundations for later school and life achievements. 22/04/2015770KB
application/pdfParenting Education Literacy Position Paper - 2014 Early Childhood (0-6 years) is a critical stage of human development and Parents are the first educators of their children. Significant development of the brain, body, and emotions happens during the first years of life. 23/10/2015770KB
application/pdfPre-Primary Position Paper Emergent Literacy is one of the most important foundation abilities children must develop before beginning Primary School29/10/2015773KB
application/pdfEvaluation of First Steps (Intera za Mbere) Parents’ interactions with infants and children in the first years can have a long-term impact on physical, health, on social and emotional well-being, and on cognitive capacities (CDC, 2007). With training, parents can become more effective providers of the care and stimulation that babies and young children need to develop properly (Evans, 2006). Since the Pilot Phase of First Steps (Intera za Mbere) Program in 2015, Save the Children continues to implement the program with an aim to improve parenting practices, child development outcomes, and promotion of emergent literacy in the home. As part of our COVID-19 response in 2020 in partnership with UMUHUZA we conducted a baseline survey on parenting during COVID-19 intended to collect data to benchmark the “Evaluation of First Steps (Intera za Mbere) towards quality Early Childhood Care and Development through Holistic Parenting Education in Response to COVID-19”18/02/2021819KB
application/pdfRCBI - Teacher Training: Case StudyRCBI - Teacher Training: Case Study.30/09/2014845KB
application/pdfHumanitarian Work - Save the Children in emergenciesSave the Children in emergencies20/12/2013849KB
application/pdfLB Midline Report Final29/10/2015850KB
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